The. article, which will be published in the newspaper should be submitted in both, electronic and paper form.
The following requirements should be considered in preparation of article:
1. The article should be prepared in azerbaijani, russian or english languages, summary and key words also must be presented in three languages.
2. The article should be prepared in a4 format of the microsoft word text editor, (left - 2 cm., from above, from below and from the right - 2.5 cm.), in times new roman 14 pt. size, 1 line spacing, 1,5 cm intervals of paragraphs and should not exceed 10 pages.
3. The text of the article is recommended to consist of the following sections:
Introduction (problem urgency, the current state of the problem)
Purpose of the issue investment
Problem solving techniques and approbation
A description of the results
4. The article should be prepared in the following order; ijdc - left, bold, end 6 pt. interval; surname and initials of the authors from the left, and bold italic; authors work place, city country and e-mail - from the left, in the end, 6 pt. interval; the name of the article - in the middle, in capital letters, bold, end 6 pt. interval; summary (text provided languages) - italics, end 6 pt. interval; keywords - italics, end 6 pt. interval; introduction and other sub-headings - from left, are bold, the beginning and the end of the 6-pt. interval.
5. Next to literature it is presented in 2 different languages depending on language, which article was written the surname of author of the article, first name, father name, article title, summary and keywords are presented.
6. The tables and pictures should be numbered in the article: table - top, right to left (eg., table l), picture - below the picture. in the middle (eg., Picture 1), and the text parts (above and below), leaving a blank line.
7. The formulas should be assembled by the Microsoft Equation in standard settings. it should be numbered only formulas, which were used in the text. the number of formula should be written in brackets on the right.
8. It should be presented in article information about the authors: last name, first name, middle name, academic degree, academic rank, place of work, title, telephone number, author's photo (300x300), e-mail address.
9. Information and facts mentioned in the article are the responsibility of the author.
- Name
- Surname
- Phone
- E-mail
- Fesbook url (profil),
- İnstaqram url (profil)
- tvitter url (profil)
- youtube url (profil)
- Foto (300X300)
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